Hypnosis and Mind-Body Methods for Fertility can double conception success.

Hypnotherapy has now been proven to boost fertility, significantly reduce the psychological distress of infertility, aid the emotional wellbeing of couples, and importantly, greatly improve the success rates of both natural and IVF conception. Research shows that hypnosis for fertility doubles the success of IVF treatment. Those using mind/body techniques such as hypnosis have a 42%-55% conception rate compared to 20% with in vitro fertilisation*.

The Fertile Body Method is an established effective combination of hypnosis and mind-body approaches that will enable you to identify and address your own individual mental, emotional and physical factors which affect fertility, give you techniques to create your most fertile self, and greatly reduce the negative effects of a prolonged conception process or infertility.

A flexible step by step approach allows you to manage and reduce stress and pressure, both internally and externally, to become more aware of and knowledgable about your body's natural rhythms and cycles, resolve any negative behaviours that may impact fertility (e.g. alcohol, diet, stress) and, importantly, support you emotionally through your fertility journey.

* Fertility & Sterility, Journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (March 2006, vol. 85) found that 55% of the previously infertile women studied who used mind/body techniques conceived, compared with 20% of the control group who didn’t use these techniques.

*An Israeli study showed the success rate of IVF treatments doubled from 14% to 28% when the subjects underwent hypnosis during implantation.