• Through the use of helpful techniques, and accompanying audios, to the personalised audios I have received, she has transformed the way I am now living my life and I am truly thankful.

    Being able to have my sessions on Zoom has helped me to feel comfortable again in an environment that was previously distressing me, alongside allowing me to easily fit the slot into my diary.

    Her manner is kind, calm and highly professional – I can’t recommend her enough!

  • “I suffered from anxiety and my GP recommended CBT and suggested a local counsellor. I attended sessions off and on, but often time we seemed to be searching aimlessly for reasons for my condition. Eventually, after more than four years I decided to seek an alternative approach and searched the internet for suggestions. I discovered new research suggested that anxiety is a condition that is learned through life experiences and not as thought previously a chemical imbalance. I then decided that Hypnotherapy might resolve my issues. I was fortunate to stumble across Latitude Hypnotherapy and Leonie Garner.

    After just two sessions I can confidently report that the root cause of my anxiety has been completely eradicated. My life has changed and I feel unfettered by the mental chains that continually dragged me down. Leonie’s approach is both cautious and sensitive, initially she carefully discusses and identifies the areas of concern before commencement of the treatment. It is extremely difficult to underestimate the potential of the treatment which is so simple and yet at the same time so powerful. If you have a partner who is sceptical, ignore them - do this for yourself and bask in the relief. I cannot recommend Leonie enough and this testament is a way of saying thanks.” NG

  • I have already booked in my blood test now and feeling really strong about doing it in a few weeks time! I’ve got this!

    Thank you so much again for just everything!

  • … She truly is wonder woman and has the calmest and most welcoming nature to her. I couldn't be more grateful for her giving me my life and strength back after the hardest two year struggle of my life. Leonie is AMAZING at what she does and I believe can help anyone in need. Pure magic and talent 10 out of 10." Dan.

  • … I also got on a plane for the first time in a while and I felt calm, collected and safe which is so extraordinary for me because I never ever thought I’d be able to, I was so close to cancelling my trip and I would’ve missed out on an amazing experience so I am honestly so grateful that I was able to go. It was honestly life changing and I didn’t even have to think about it, I now feel like I can enjoy my days instead of living in fear all the time.” J.L.

  • … Having done a small amount of other therapies before, I was a little skeptical at first that hypnotherapy would really work for me. However it has completely turned my life around. After initially coming to see Leonie for stress and anxiety, her expertise and knowledge helped me to unpick the source of these feelings and address them in a productive and positive way. I never felt pressured to book multiple sessions and Leonie encouraged me to go at my own pace with my therapy which was fantastic. Leonie also provided hypnotherapy tracks to listen to at home, which not only helped me progress with therapy but also helped me to take ownership of my feelings and emotions. If you are somebody who is wondering whether hypnotherapy will work for them - I would wholeheartedly say yes! It was the best decision I ever made, and I'm so glad I had Leonie there to help me every step of the way." Kat. D.

  • …which along with my personalised audio, has really helped me take time for myself and to focus on how much healing I have already achieved. Thank you so much.” SP

  • … I have really enjoyed our sessions and the whole hypno therapy journey and will return to this process again and again I am sure.” DB

  • … I have been seeing consultants, been prescribed various medications, and undergone numerous tests but nothing was working.  When I first started seeing Leonie, I had given up hope of finding something that would help me and of ever feeling better again.  I admit to being a bit sceptical that hypnotherapy would have any kind of positive effect. Sessions with Leonie have been fantastic.  The gut related issues have almost disappeared, and I am feeling so much better.  Leonie kindly sends me audios which I use daily.

    The sessions, having started just for my gut issues, have extended to other problems I am experiencing, such as sleep difficulties, work related problems and tricky relationships.  I have seen improvements in every single one of these areas.  I have now built up a library of audios from Leonie for different scenarios – be that for gut related issues or sleep problems or anything else.  For example, I now have an audio I play in the middle of the night when I wake up and instead of tossing and turning for hours, I fall back asleep within minutes. 

     Leonie has supported and encouraged me to make changes in both my personal and working life.  The changes suggested are very much supportive and at a pace that I feel comfortable implementing.  They are changes that I would not have found the courage to do without this gentle support.  This has had a big and positive impact on my everyday workload and therefore life in general. 

     I am a busy person and some things I consider to be yet another demand on my time. However, I find the opposite in relation to my sessions with Leonie.  I look forward to them and I get so much out of them – all positive.

     Leonie listens, empathises, and responds in a positive manner.  Having been initially sceptical I cannot emphasise enough how much the sessions and the audios have helped.  I cannot recommend Leonie highly enough.” Bridget

  • … and was dependent on daily medication for the pain. After the first session there was an immediate reduction in symptoms and after subsequent sessions I rarely feel any symptoms at all, even when in stressful situations. Not only this but after 20 years of biting my nails and numerous attempts to stop i've finally been able to kick the habit all together!Leonie is an excellent clinician and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to anyone." Dr M.

  • I had seven weekly sessions of hypnotherapy and felt myself improving each week. The therapy tapes provided with each session for home use were extremely helpful. By the end of the course my health was much better and I was ready to face life again." M.C.S

  • … Whilst any therapy isn't cheap, I'd definitely consider it value for money." D.Watson.

  • … And in all honesty it did not feel like i was paying for the sessions i had with you because i felt comfortable and what with your kindness and warmth it was like i was visiting a friend. I will carry on listening to the audios that you sent to me and hopefully i will be able to see you again one day. Thankyou so much for your help and support it has been very much appreciated.” JM

  • … she is a very kind and patient lady and I only needed two sessions.Not only was she able to cure my fear of flying, I was so relaxed on my flight that I got a bit bored, it was amazing.I can thoroughly recommend this lady if you are struggling with your particular fear you won't regret it.” SL

  • I have taken all your techniques on board and fall asleep to your audio too.

    Thank you so much xx

  • … Thinking that my issue was as much mental as physical, I emailed Leonie and asked if she thought she could help. She thought she could and we agreed to give it a try. Leonie listened (a lot) as we tried to get to the bottom of what was going on and with some well-timed hypnotherapy interventions I am very happy to say that things have improved immeasurably. Leonie has also left me with some audio-based relaxation techniques and these have also helped hugely. I cannot recommend Leonie highly enough.” GD

  • … (You spun away the problem, which I thought was interesting, but it worked). I have recommended you to two other possible clients. If I need you again I will be straight back! Thank you again” SB

  • “I never understood how much of an impact the mind could have on your whole body, until mine started shutting down. I had never felt like this before so was quite daunted by the situation. I reached out to Leonie who from her first response made me feel instantly eased. Her knowledge, empathy and understanding were amazing and to feel so comfortable from just a phone call says a lot about Leonie’s character. After 2 sessions I feel like myself again and I have to thank you for it all. She has also set me up with tools to use to continue my progress and ensure I don't fall back again. If anyone feels like they need to reset like I did I would recommend Leonie she has been the best thing I did for my lifestyle all year.” S.M

  • ”I cannot  recommend Leonie highly enough. She has helped me with stress and anxiety issues which exacerbate a chronic condition I have. The professor I see for my condition has recognised the benefits I receive from seeing Leonie and as such encourages my ongoing regular sessions with her. She has a lovely intuitive manner and always makes me feel at ease. The therapy tapes provide a valuable toolkit to support me between sessions. I am so glad she was recommended to me and I would not  hesitate to recommend her to anyone else.” D.R

  • "I have been to Leonie for Hypnotherapy with a touch of mindfulness for fertility and conception boosting confidence work. Our sessions together were gently paced and the hypnotherapy tailored specifically to meet my needs. Her attention is trained and tailored to client’s needs, you won’t get a generic option. Leonie followed up each session by recording me an additional track to listen to as a way of consolidating and influencing my mind and body in readiness for conception. Both myself and my partner listened to the tracks that Leonie recorded for me.

    I remember that during one of the sessions (in her beautiful, calm space with comfy couch and snuggly blanket) my body relaxed and I could sense deep responses to the positive suggestions being made during trance work - speaking to me about preparing for pregnancy. It was very blissful. We only had two sessions and yet the work had a profound and effective outcome. When challenged with a long conception process it is Leonie who springs to mind and whom I see as the expert to visit. Highly and happily recommended." Sophie Kirkham.

  • … It was certainly a more comfortable experience and I'm so hopeful future flights will be similarly manageable.Thank you for your help. The process and learning has been a real insight and certainly makes you think a bit differently."  R.S.

  • …  The wedding day was just perfect, an absolute dream & I was honestly so calm, happy & excited all day! Not a single nerve throughout the day & trust me I kept checking!! From the moment I got up in the morning till not going to bed till 4am, this cloud of happiness & excitement just engulfed me the whole day & it was just everything I dreamed of feeling & more!" J.T.

  • "I just wanted to let you know how my wedding day went last week.. It was absolutely amazing! The best day of our lives. I can't believe how calm and happy I was in the church, even walking down the aisle I was so happy and grinning at my husband, he was the one who became emotional! Thank you so much for seeing me at short notice before my wedding,  the hypnotherapy was fantastic and I listened to it daily even up to a few hours before I got married! I can't recommend you enough!" K.M.

  • … she had a brilliant knack for understanding the sub-text of what I was saying and for identifying my underlying issues and consequential behaviour patterns that were the cause of my problem. I had a very emotional experience (in a good way) and still feel wonderfully liberated, light and optimistic." P. Pande.

  • A.

  • … In just 2 sessions, together with a recording I can listen to at my convenience, Leonie has cured me!I have since been on 6 flights of varying distances, and not only not felt scared, but also felt at ease.I’d strongly recommend giving this a try if you have any phobias you just don’t want any more!" L. Eckersley

  • … and after 3 sessions I was more relaxed, more confident, and had a greater sense of perspective and most of all felt much happier and finally believed in myself. It's been several months since I saw Leonie and I still feel great."H. Brearley.

  • … He has had a second session to address anxiety and will continue to have more as needed with the hope of being medication free. From my point of view (his mother) I feel like I will get my son back. He came out of the first session laughing! I couldn't believe my tearful eyes. Leonie has a wonderful way with my son, he trusts her completely and she genuinely cares about making his life good again.  If you are struggling don't hesitate. I wish we'd gone months ago." C.B.

  • … I think alot of people just assume that IBS is a tame bloating problem that can be cured with a tablet, unfortunately not for me. Whilst I would never put it in the category of a more severe disease, it can and does certainly affect my day to day quality of life. I know people that end up in bed or take days off work sick for a lot less! Until people have experienced feeling nauseous almost every day, I don't think they'll appreciate how debilitating it can be and how it affects someones confidence and mentality.

    What I have mostly found with your hypnotherapy sessions is the ability to have more control over the anxiety that accompanies nausea and in particular, the simple breathing techniques. I also genuinely feel that your voice does provide me with some comfort and relaxation so the recordings are very useful to me at home when I go through a bout of nausea.Hypnotherapy is not a magic cure for IBS as there are still physical issues that it won't resolve but it certainly helps with the mental and psychological side of IBS such as anxiety and helps rein in attacks when they happen.

    A plus side for me has been the relaxation to the point where it also helps me fall asleep at night, not something I was looking to achieve at the start but a big bonus." D.Watson.

  • … Highly recommend to shake away your business nerves." Aly Cranston, owner of The Rainy Day Box Co.

  • … I had mild period pain on and off on Sunday but we went for a walk and for afternoon tea , done some gardening etc.Woke up at 2am with strong period pains coming every 3 mins lasting for 40-50 secs, so called the midwife they came 30 mins later and I was already 6cm dilated. Both my midwives were so supportive of our birth plan, I got to 8/9cm before having gas and air and getting into pool and stopped having the gas for the push. Placenta was delivered naturally and no stitches needed, he fed straight away, we were all tucked up in bed after a shower and tea and toast by 11am . THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS ALL POSSIBLE !!! Love Amy, Daniel, Marley the dog and of course gorgeous George!  Xxxx

  • … not only for me, but for us as a couple, and also for our baby... I took a lot more from the session than I had been expecting to, in many ways."  N.D.

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